September in London!

Hello friends & family!

I know that I have been super MIA on this blog, but I am here to change that! 

I have been in London for about a week now and time has been flying by! I originally wanted to do a weekly article about my time here and what I’ve been up to, but between jet lag, fighting off an illness, getting used to classes, and naps - I could not find the time this first month! *hoping for less naps and more explorations in these next few months* 


The First Week:

The first week here was filled with excitement and nerves which were quickly reached with an illness. No worries, I got better within a week and I was ready to explore the city that I have been dreaming of going to since I watched Love Actually in third grade. 

Within the first day of being here I found this “super cute local coffee shop” that I planned on going to since I didn’t want to go to Starbucks at all here to fully immerse myself into London culture. A few hours later I found out that my “cute local neighborhood coffee shop” has 1,017 stores and it’s called…... CAFFÈ NERO. *cultured am I right

The first week was filled with orientations, a visit to parliament, and me still thinking all of the restaurants I’m eating in are cute local joints to just come to the realization that they are indeed chains. 

Since I was pretty sick the first week, I didn’t do much besides exploring in the neighborhood that I am staying in which is South Kensington! 


South Kensington

The neighborhood that we are staying in is South Kensington and it is beyond beautiful. The streets are perfectly kept with absolutely zero trash anywhere, despite there being absolutely zero trash cans around. Right around the corner from where we are living there is a street filled with great restaurants, cafes, and the cutest little supermarket you could ever imagine. The neighborhood itself is lined with cute small shops and sandwich stops. 

The streets in South Kensington are wide with beautiful, pristine, and historic homes down every block. Although at first glance many houses look identical, once you dive in a bit closer you can see the exquisite and unique small detailing that differentiate one from another. 

Along with South Kensington being a beautiful neighborhood to walk around, the cars in this neighborhood are *insane*. Every third car is a Lamborghini with Rolls Royce and Bentleys in between, this is definitely the place to be if you’re into cars. 



The building where I take my classes in is thankfully only about a ten-fifteen minute walk away, all depending on whether I’m getting an orange juice or coffee before. I’m taking three classes: British Life & Business, Global Marketing, and Strategic Management. Each class is three hours long so I have fifteen hours of classes per week, but they’re only for half of the semester. I don’t have classes on Friday which is great, but I do have classes that are from 6pm to 9pm and if you know me you know I like to be in bed by 10pm. *jokes but not really

Class highlight thus far….

Last week for my strategic management class we went paint-balling and despite getting a 3 by 5 welt in the middle of my neck it was a great experience. Getting out of the city was a breath of fresh air and was a ton of fun. If you’re asking yourself if our professor participated...yes, yes he did and he was loving it. If you are ever in London for an extended amount of time and want something fun to do, I definitely recommend going paint-balling with friends and family! 

Here is me and rego….nothing to do with my classes just a fun pic.

Here is me and rego….nothing to do with my classes just a fun pic.

Best Food so far… 

  1. Byron:

    Remember how I said I kept finding places that I thought were cute local joints, but turned out to be huge chains? Yes, well here is my favorite one! Byron is a great burger stop that has delicious and savory burgers that quite literally are making my mouth water as I type this. My favorite burger is the “Byron burger” with some fries on the side...yummmmm

  2. Oriental Canteen:

    If you love asian food, this is the place to go! I got the chicken chow mein and it was the best chicken chow mein I have ever had...and yes I have had quite the amount of chicken chow mein in my life. It’s a small cash only corner shop that is definitely worth it if you are ever in South Kensington! 

  3. Food to Go? Sandwich World? 

    Not sure if it is called Food to Go or Sandwich World but this “hole in the wall” eatery is the best damn lunch I have ever had and it is no wonder why I keep going back almost every single day. Don’t judge a book by its cover with this place because their tandoori chicken sandwich on a toasted baguette it the best thing I have eaten and probably will eat during my stay here in London. Best part? It’s only 2.95 pounds.  

Favorite Drank Spots so far…

Legal to drink in London? Don’t mind if I do - One Double Gin & Tonic please (kidding mom)  

  1. Gloucester Arms:

    I hate beer, but love cider and Gloucester Arms. Don’t believe me that Gloucester Arms is amazing? Take Superman’s word for it. Yes, Henry Cavill was there when we were there last week but for *privacy reasons* I will not include a photo. :) Gloucester Arms is the best place to spend time with your friends after your 6pm-9pm class finishes while enjoying a cider..or three. 

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2. O'neill's :

Circa punk-rock music from your early elementary school years that you used to listen to in the backseat of your parents car mixed with a range of people from “they look 10 how are they drinking” to a 70 year old couple making out on the side of the wall and you have found O’neills. We all seem to have a little bit too much fun here but it doesn’t stop us from coming back wanting more and more.

3. The Roxy:

Hate crowds? Love cheap drinks? The Roxy is a little far away from where I am living but 100% worth it. Their 9 pound pitcher deals cannot be beat. Bring some friends or save the pitcher for yourself, nobody will judge you. With a cover of only 3 pounds when you follow the Instagram, coming here every week is definitely worth it. 

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Favorite Attractions:

  1. Sky Garden:

    Although they messed up our reservations, this was one of the most beautiful views of London that I have seen so far. This is a super fun place to go with friends and enjoy a drink and some appetizers. 

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2. Buckingham Palace: 

The Buckingham Palace tour is a must-see attraction in London! Just make sure you pay attention to the times of the changing of the guards so you don’t show up for your tour time thirty minutes late. 

3. Victoria and Albert Museum:

I’m typically someone who gets pretty bored going through museums, but the Victoria and Albert Museum is jam packed with ancient artifacts and treasures that will keep you wanting to learn more and more. We couldn’t get through the entire building, but we will definitely head back soon to see the other floors. 

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Thanks for reading! 

This blog post was a little more all over the place than I would have liked, but that has been the epitome of me this first month here in London. I’m hoping to write more consistently for the rest of my time here so stay tuned! 

Be on the lookout for more articles including Oktoberfest and my day trip to Brighton! 

Until then… Cheerio!